Sunday, September 30, 2007

In Time

In time I will learn how to deal with pain

With the agony of unseen rejection

And not cry over horrible defeat

Some day I will find some peace

A place that I can live with

And some time that I can believe in

One day soon I can believe in life

That all life is meant for something

And that everyone has a place for good

One of these days

I'll find my own happiness

And not keep wandering alone in the darkness

I'll believe in the best possible
And if I should never find it at all, I'll wait here for the possible

One day after all is better than none

If you find me waiting somewhere for you

Know that it's been a long wait

But oh so worth it in the end

For one of these days I'll find the place I need

The life I was born for and the love I've been missing

Some day, one day, I have to believe

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